'Might' is a modal verb deals with situations that are speculative or did not actually happen, i.e. hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible events. (It implies a smaller chance of something happening).
"Might" most commonly used to express future possibility, to make suggestions or requests and often used in conditional sentences.
'Might' is not a past form of may, but a past equivalent of may. It is used to express disapproval of some kind. It is used in : • Simple present tense (might) • Present continuous tense(might be) • Future continuous tense(might be)
'Might' is used to express future possibility.
• I might attend your wedding, if I am in USA.
• Your late coming might not be liked in the office.
To express Possibility. (weak possibility)
We use 'might' most often to refer to weak possibility.
• She might be on the bus.
• That might have been Dimpy.
• England might win the World Cup.
• Rahul might be stuck in traffic.
• I suppose he might have been ill.
• They might not like very hot food.
• I have a solution that might work.
• Your purse might be in the living room.
• She might arrive on the 5 o'clock train.
• The dog might bark when we pass by the gate.
To Advice or Suggestion. (more polite or less direct)
We can use 'might' to give advice or make a suggestion sound more polite or less direct, especially when used together with 'like', 'prefer' or 'want'.
• You mightlike to try the cheese cake.
• You might have prefer to caught a taxi.
• You mightlike to try one of our wonderful desserts.
• You mightwant to visit the Hotel Taj during your visit.
To make Request. (weak request)
We can use 'might' to make requests usually refer to the near future.
• Might I borrow your book?
• Might I borrow the Motor Bike?
• Might I have something to drink?
• Might I ask who has been invited to the party?
To express Conditional events.
We use 'might' to explain different circumstances if something different had happened in the past.
• If I didn't have to play, I might go out.
• If I didn't have to work, I might go with you.
• If you don't hurry , you might miss the train.
• If I entered the contest, I might actually win.
• If he had lied to her, he might have cheated as well.
• If I knew three years ago, I might not have trusted Ronak.
• If she simply ignored him, he might get his emotions under control.
To ask for Permission. (formal permission)
We use might to refer to permission. It is very formal and is not used very often:
• Might I ask your name? answer :Yes, I am Alex.
• Might I interrupt you for a moment? answer : Sure, I here you.
• Might I ask your address? answer :Yes. It’s 23 Green Vila.
• Might I ask you a question? answer : Yes. Of course.
(Note : The reply/answer to these will not contain 'might'.)
Types of Auxiliary Verbs
(1) Auxiliary–cum–verbs.
"Auxiliary-cum-verbs" are :
These 11 auxiliaries are also used as verbs, therefore, they are called Auxiliary–cum–verbs.
These are used to form Tenses. ( Please refer Tense Table).
(2) Pure Auxiliary verbs..
"Pure Auxiliary verbs" are :
These 20 auxiliaries only support normal verbs, therefore, they are called Pure Auxiliary Verbs. They are also called Models or Model Auxiliary Verbs.