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Abbreviate units of measurement when they are preceded or followed by a number. Examples: Rs. 100, 8 in., 50 cm, 150 lb, No. 54, 10% Write abbreviations in singular even if they have plural connotations. Examples: 150 lb, but not 150 lbs; 10cm, but not 10 cms. Exceptions: Figs., pp., ll., cols.
For large numbers use symbols and abbreviations for readability. Example: instead of 10,00,000 rupees or 10 lakh rupees, write Rs. 10 lakh.
Million and billion are used in singular when they are preceded by a figure. But the practice in India is to write “Rs. 10 crores” or “Rs. 10 lakhs.” On the basis of analogy of the English language structure, the plural of lakhs or crores is incorrect. The abbreviated “$ 10 million” is read as “10 million dollars”; so also “Rs.10 lakhs” is read as “10 lakh rupees” but not as “10 lakhs rupees” or “rupees 10 lakhs.” There is no analogy in Indian languages to justify the use of the plural of “lakh” and “crore” in this situation.
One has to use the symbols of the units as mentioned in above table only. See that all symbols use small alphabets only, unless the unit is named after a scientist. Symbols should be written ‘upright type’ only not in italics.
See the following table carefully.