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"It" is a third person singular pronoun and is used for lifeless things (inanimate objects), animals and for a baby or a small child (girl or boy) when their sex is unknown or unimportant.
IT has no possessive pronoun form e.g. This is its hole but not his hole is its.
The possessive form of IT is ITS and is not to be confused with it’s which is a contraction of it is e.g. It is my bag – It’s my bag.
As a rule pronouns do not form POSSESSIVES by adding ‘S’ eg. This bag is yours and not This bag is your’s. This purse is hers and not This purse is her’s.
One must treat other as one expects to be treated.
Oneself (Like other reflexive pronouns) is used to emphasis.
One’s is a Possessive Adjective.