SMS with Letter R in English
"Short message service (SMS) words of English Language starting with alphabet letter 'R'."
Short Messages are also popular in online Social Media users for Conversation with friends and relatives on Internet. With time SMS has evolved as a brand new genre in English language and has become an integral part of the language. They are born out of the imagination and understanding of the ones who seem to be using them, and gradually becomes popular among others. SMS language may seem to make things simpler or faster but can easily confuse those who are new to it or not familier with.
We have provided hereby most common and popular SMS word starting with alphabet letter 'R'. You also need to be aware of some of this most commonly used short forms or abbreviations in SMS.
SMS word | Description |
R | are |
RAT | Remotely activated trojan |
RBAY | Right Back At You |
RBTL | Read between the lines |
RD | Research and development |
RE | Regards or Hello Again |
REHI | Hello again or Re-hi |
RFD | Request For Discussion |
RFR | Really fucking rich |
RFS | Really fucking soon |
RIP | Rest in peace |
RKBA | Right to keep and bear arms |
RL | Real life |
RLF | Real life friend |
RLR | Earlier |
RLY | Really! |
RMLB | Read my lips baby |
RMMM | Read my mail man! |
RN | Right now! |
ROFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
ROFLCOPTER | Roll On Floor Laughing Copter |
ROFLMAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off |
ROFLOL | Roll On Floor Lauging Out Loud |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
ROTFLMAO | Roll On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off |
ROTFLOL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud |
ROTM | Right on the money |
RPG | Role playing games |
RR | Rest and relaxation |
RSN | Real soon now |
RTBS | Reason to be single |
RTD | Real Time Data |
RTDox | Read the documentations |
RTFAQ | Read the FAQ File |
RTFI | read the fucking instructions |
RTFM | Read the Fucking Manual |
RTFM | Read the fucking manual |
RTK | Return to keyboard |
RTM | Read the manual |
RU | Are you? |
RUT | Are you there? |
RUMORF | Are You Male Or Female? |
RUOK | Are you okay? |
RUUP4IT | Are You Up For It? |
RX | Regards |
RYS | Read your screen |
RYS | Are you single? |
RYO | Roll your own |
"A to Z" SMS words are :