Confused Words : Coma and Comma

Confused Words Coma and Comma in English

Common Mistakes using Coma & Comma

Misunderstood words : Coma and Comma

Some English words like : Coma and Comma are often confused, misused, or used with the wrong preposition while speaking or writing English sentences. We have discussed here correct version and explanation that will help you to avoid making the same mistakes while speaking or writing English.

Confuse words Coma and Comma

The words, ‘Coma’ and ‘Comma’ are homophones which are often confused. 'Coma' is a noun which means “unconscious state or deep sleep caused by illness or injury.” in which a person cannot be awakened and cannot react to their environment. while 'Comma' is a noun which is a punctuation mark (,) used to indicate pause or to wait in the sentence.

Meaning of Coma and Comma:

: means “unconscious state or deep sleep due to medical condition".
: is a punctuation mark (,) used to indicate pause or to wait in the sentence.

Note: Both comma and coma are nouns. A Comma is a mark of punctuation while 'Coma' means “unconscious state".

Uses of Coma and Comma:
'Coma' refers to a medical condition when someone is not conscious for a longer period of time.
Examples using Coma:
  • Alisha is still in a coma.
  • Injuries to the head can cause comas.
  • Shefali fell into a coma during her illness.
  • She awoke from a coma unable to see or hear.
  • Monika died because she had slipped into coma.
  • Peter was in a coma for two weeks following the accident.
  • Varun was hit so hard on the head that he went into coma.
  • After accident, the woman was in a coma for several weeks.
'Comma' is a punctuation mark (,) used to indicate pause or to wait in the sentence.
Examples using Comma:
  • We visited Canada, USA, and UK last summer.
  • Alex loves ice cream, books, and kittens.
  • The library is large, busy, and beautiful.
  • I have a blue car, a red car, and a yellow car.
  • Kevin did the cleaning, while Shital did cooking.
  • In her free time, Tina enjoys reading, painting, and dancing.
  • I have a blue car, a red car, and a yellow car. I also have two bikes.
  • There were many varieties of fruits like mango, apples, grapes, and banana.

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