'Being' is the continuous form of the verb 'be'. It is used to talk about actions and behavior happening now, or was happening before, in a continual manner"
'Being' is used after: am, is, are (present continuous tense) was & were (past continuous tense).
Uses of - "BEING" (Present/Past continuous tense)
In a present or past continuous tense, 'being' says that it is happening now, or was happening before, in a continual manner.
• I am being patient.
• He is being nice.
• The house is being decorated.
• New question paper is being written by the professor.
• You are being good.
• He was being polite.
• I was being chased.
• She was being bad.
• They were being observed.
• Prisoners were being taken to Central jail.
Always use 'being' after prepositions:
• He got an award for being the best salesman in the company.
• The best part of being a leader is interacting with the people.
• I was in the hospital for a month after being in a car accident.
• That’s the problem with being late all the time – people stop trusting you.
Types of Auxiliary Verbs
(1) Auxiliary–cum–verbs.
"Auxiliary-cum-verbs" are :
These 11 auxiliaries are also used as verbs, therefore, they are called Auxiliary–cum–verbs.
These are used to form Tenses. ( Please refer Tense Table).
(2) Pure Auxiliary verbs..
"Pure Auxiliary verbs" are :
These 20 auxiliaries only support normal verbs, therefore, they are called Pure Auxiliary Verbs. They are also called Models or Model Auxiliary Verbs.