Interjection words - Uh-huh, Uh-oh, Um, Umm, Whew
Usage of Interjection words : Uh-huh!, Uh-oh!, Um!, Umm! and Whew!

Usage of interjection words Uh-huh, Uh-oh, Um, Umm, Whew in English

Most common Interjection words : Uh-huh, Uh-oh, Um, Umm and Whew

"Interjections are short sounds, words, or phrases that add color to our conversations."

There are different types of interjection words used depending on the situation and the feeling you want to express. Uh-huh!, Uh-oh!, Um!, Umm! and Whew! interjection words are used in everyday speech to convey a wide range of emotions and reactions.

Interjections can convey surprise, excitement, disgust, joy, and other strong emotions. Here are some examples of interjection words like : Uh-huh, Uh-oh, Um, Umm and , Whew with their meaning and uses in sentences to better understand how they function in our everyday communication.

Common Interjections words:

Uh-huh! Uh-oh! Um! Umm! Whew!
Meaning and examples of Interjection words: Uh-huh!, Uh-oh!, Um!, Umm! and Whew!
Use of Interjection word: 'Uh-huh'
Interjection word 'Uh-huh!' used for expressing agreement.
Examples using 'Uh-huh!':
  • • Shall we go? "Uh-huh."
  • Uh-huh! Do you think so too?
  • Uh-huh, we should have guessed,
  • • "Uh-huh, that must be it", said Riya.
  • • “Did you see the email I sent you?” “Uh-huh.”
Use of Interjection word: 'Uh-oh'
Interjection word 'Uh-oh!' used for showing dismay or feeling unhappiness and disappointment.
Examples using 'Uh-oh!':
  • Uh-oh! Mom looks angry.
  • Uh-oh. What happened?
  • Uh-oh, we're in trouble!
  • Uh oh! The teacher caught him.
  • Uh-oh! I think the bear is inside the house.
Use of Interjection word: 'Um'
Interjection word 'Um!' used for pausing or being skeptical and conveying uncertainty.
Examples using 'Um!':
  • Um, yeah okay, I guess.
  • Um! Here is our proposal.
  • Um! can you explain it once more.
  • Um, maybe I should wait downstairs.
  • Um, I'm sorry, but I don't think I know the answer.
Use of Interjection word: 'Umm'
Interjection word 'Umm!' used for expressing hesitation.
Examples using 'Umm!':
  • • 75 divided by 5 is...umm...15.
  • Umm! Mumbai is far 350 kms. from Surat.
  • Umm, I don't have any idea about this.
  • Umm.. Do you really think that's wise?
Use of Interjection word: 'Whew'
Interjection word 'Whew!' used for amazement and / or relief.
Examples using 'Whew!':
  • Whew! It's hot in here.
  • Whew! I'm glad that's over.
  • • You said it was expensive, but $5,000?! Whew!
  • Whew! I can’t believe we actually finished it all.
Common words used as Interjection are:

Common Interjections words:

Aah! Ah! Aha! Ahh! Alas!
Aww! Bah! Bingo! Bosh! Bravo!
Dear! Eh! Er! Eww! Geez!
Hey! Hello! Hi! Hmm! Humph!
Hurrah! Oh! Ooh! Oomph! Oops!
Ouch! Pooh! Shh! Tut-tut! Uh!
Uh-huh! Uh-oh! Um! Umm! Whew!
Wow! Yay-yaay! Yeah! Yikes! Yippee!
Gosh! Phew! Cool! Cheers! Congratulations!
Ahem! Woohoo! Shoo! Damn! Listen!

(Click on Conjunction word for more details)

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Uses of Interjection words in English Language


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